
May 18, 20181 min

13-Year-Old Creates Website That Pairs Shelter Dogs with Compatible Owners

Remember: you're never too young (or too old) to make a difference.

*Say it again louder for the people in the back!*


And 13-year-old Aiden Horwitz is a perfect example. As part of a class project, the 8th grader created an awesome service: a website that pairs human adopters with their ideal shelter companions.

The website, Dog Do Or Dog Don’t, asks potential pet owners to fill out a 13-question survey that collects info on things such as: size of home, number children, finances available for pup, etc. Once the survey is complete, it tallies up the scores and displays all of the compatible dogs that are listed on the Austin Pets Alive! website.

The website was created for the Passion Project elective at Aiden’s school, the Austin Jewish Academy. Students who take the year-long class are asked to develop a project that addresses an issue near and dear to their heart. Once again proving that whatever your passion is, there's a way to put it to a purpose.

The Austin Pets Alive! is an animal rescue organization based out of Austin, Texas. Since there are hundreds of pets available for adoption on their website, Aiden’s service has been hailed as huge help for the organization. Not only that, but animal shelter intake has consistently been shown to increase during the warm season.

The website has already received more than 10,000 visits, and resulted in 5 adoptions.

More good news... Aiden plans on expanding the service to other shelters and states.