Ashley Mosaic

Dec 29, 20152 min

16 Ways to Be Less of a Jerk in 2016

A New Year is a fresh start - or at least a good place to start making some changes. Here are 16 ways to be less of an asshole in 2016.

1- Don't flake

If you say you're going to be somewhere, be there. This also goes for Facebook events - only RSVP yes if you know you're going to be there. People make plans based off the number of people who say they're coming - so if you're not sure, just click 'interested.'

2- Be on time

Respect people's time. Of course things happen, but let's all try our best to be on time.

3- Be a grown up

Take care of your responsibilities. Pay your bills, clean up your mess, pick up after your dog, be respectful, etc.

4- Give back

Donate or volunteer. Find a way to use your passion or skill for a purpose. Plus it can be really easy.

5- Read things before you share them

Quit sharing things without actually reading them. This is why bogus information and articles get spread so quickly. Consider the source. This goes for political crap or something about crystals being the cure for IBS. This method also applies to repeating information you heard someone say. Consider the source and look into it before spreading. That info might be opinion, or just total garbage.

6- Vote

Don't complain more than you vote. People fought & died for your right to vote - so do it. It's important, and not doing so actually sort of makes you a dick.

7- Speak up

Hear someone say something racist, totally insensitive or just plain old wrong? Call them out. Don't be judgmental or rude, but let someone know. There's a chance they might not realize how their words are coming off. Tip: If someone says something racist, don't tell them they're racist, tell them what they just said was racist.

8- Support a cause

It's cool to care about something. It's even cooler to actually do something about that thing you care about.

9- Try to see things from the other side

Dual perspective, people. Try to be understanding and put yourself in someone else's shoes. Odds are it will change your perspective.

10- Realize your privilege

You're fortunate. Realize that and use it for good. Think of your privilege before judging others. Here's a comic that explains privilege pretty well.

11- Take a breather

Don't let your anger get the best of you. Take a breather, then act.

12- Think before you speak

Quit spouting things off. I imagine that most totally asshole comments are made because someone didn't think about their words.

13- Get offline

People, human interaction, nature, actual hugs... all good things that cannot be experienced online. Get offline, it's starting to make you weird.

14- Buy less shit

So much of it is wasteful and ends up in a garbage dump.

15- Ditch meat and dairy

Factory farming is basically the devil's work. It's bad for the environment, your health, and extremely inhumane. So either don't eat meat at all, or only eat that which is humanely raised. Here's a resource that will help you find meat that fits the criteria.

16- Shop local

When you shop local you're helping to support someone's dream, help pay a mortgage and raise a family. Local shops need and appreciate your money far more than large corporations.