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Seven Signs You're Becoming Your Authentic Self

When you’re on the path to becoming the person you are meant to be, there will be many roadblocks and challenges along the way. Just because you may see the world differently doesn’t mean everyone around you will, too!

Think of these roadblocks as tests to challenge you and to see whether you are on the right path, or whether you have fallen into your old habits.  Are you handling these situations as you would have before, or have you developed new skills to better handle them?  

It’s important to maintain a high frequency despite the bad energy that comes your way- these low vibes want you to fall to their level.  Don’t let them!  I have learned that the low vibes will continue to stick around until you show the universe that you won’t let them disrupt your positive energy.

I’ve also experienced a lot of discomfort while making positive life changes over the past year.  It hasn’t been easy to live authentically, but I know that change is necessary for growth, learning, and my overall happiness.

I’ve noticed several “growing pains” that, although uncomfortable, have been signs that I’m on the right path to authenticity.  Have you experienced any of these, too?

Becoming A Loner 

I’ve been much more comfortable in my own company over the past year.  I used to fill my social calendar with events, happy hours, coffee meetups, and dates- especially when I felt a void in my life.

I’ve never been afraid of being by myself, though.  In fact, most of my life I have preferred it.  So why is it hard for me to sit with myself when I am feeling uncomfortable?  Over the past year I have sat with many feelings of loneliness- but those feelings were an indication that I needed to work on my relationship with myself (the greatest relationship of all!).

Cutting Off Unhealthy Relationships 

I would much rather live a peaceful life than spend my time combatting energy vampires!  I used to constantly give multiple chances to people who have made me feel bad about myself or tried to steal my joy, but life is too short.  I value myself and my time today.  Sadly, I have had to cut off many people, simply because they were not in alignment with the energy I want to exude. Today I am no longer comfortable with spending time with Negative Nancy’s who will find problems wherever they go.


Now what?  Once you have cut the negative energy and chaos out if your life, you may find yourself wondering “what’s next?”  Your life used to be filled with drama and excitement, but now it’s just… life.  And that’s okay.  I’ve begun to enjoy uneventful days and quiet evenings much more than I used to.  It may take a while to grow accustomed to this lifestyle change, but know that you’re on the right path to becoming the best you.

Health Becomes More Important

I didn’t think a lot about my health when I was unhappy with myself.  How could I be? If I didn’t value myself, I certainly wasn’t concerned about caring for my body.  Something began to change, though- as I became happier with myself, I started to eat better.  Getting sufficient sleep became more important, too.  I used to live off little sleep, coffee, and nervous energy- but now I know that it only causes me to be grumpy, irritable, and impatient.  As I become more mindful of my body in the short term, I’m caring for my body in the long term, too.

You Feel More Feelings

Have you been feeling more emotional?  It’s possible that you have been numbing your true feelings with busyness, relationships, work, or addictions.  Have you faced your emotions or have you been masking them?

If your answer is, “I’ve faced them,” great!  Now you are much closer to overall awareness and self actualization.  There’s a good chance you haven’t faced these feelings, though.  In order to grow, you must recognize your emotions.  You no longer have to push them under the rug or be afraid of your feelings- vulnerability can be a gift in the healing process.

You Become More Self Aware

Not only have you become more aware of your feelings, you’ve become more aware of who you are as a person, too.  You know your faults and the traits you want to work on.  You’ve acknowledged what is healthy for your life and what you will no longer accept.

You’re Unapologetically You

You are what you are- and you won’t apologize for it!  I used to be a chameleon and fit in with many groups of people, but although this characteristic is helpful in business and basic social situations, I am much more selective about who I allow in my life today.  I wouldn’t want to fit in with everyone!  The people I surround myself with bring out my positive attributes, not tear them down.

When you’re in alignment with the person you are meant to be, you won’t fit in like you did before.  You will see the world much clearer, more serene, and with a sense of purpose.  The noise from the outside world will no longer affect you so much and you will begin to find ways to improve the world around you, not complain about it.  As you continue to discover your true self, remember that the positives far outweigh the negatives.  Although it can be uncomfortable at first, keep doing you- you’ll thank yourself later.

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